Daná Meher Babom 13 septembra 1953
Ó Parvardigar Uchovávateľ a Ochranca všetkých!
Si bez Začiatku a bez Konca, Ne-duálny, za prirovnaniami [[a] nemožno Ťa porovnávať], a nikto Ťa nemôže pomerať.
Si bez farby, bez výrazu/[a] vyjadrenia, bez formy, a bez atribútov.
Si neobmedzený a neobsiahnuteľný, mimo predstavivosť a chápanie, večný a nepominuteľný.
Si ne[roz]deliteľný; a nikto Ťa nemôže vidieť, len [ak] s Očami Božími.
Ty si vždy bol, vždy si a vždy budeš;
Si všade, [a] si všetko; a si aj mimo všade a mimo všetko („za“ všetkým).
Si na nebesách a v hlbinách; si prejavený a neprejavený, na všetkých rovinách a mimo všetkých rovín („za“ nimi).
Si v troch svetoch, a tiež „za“ troma svetmi;
Si nevnímateľný a nezávislý.
Si Tvorca, Pán pánov, znalec všetkých myslí a sŕdc;
Si všemohúci a všadeprítomný.
Si Poznanie Nekonečné, Moc Nekonečná a Blaženosť nekonečná.
Si Oceán Poznania, všeznalý, nekonečne poznajúci; Znalec minulosti, prítomnosti a budúcnosti, a si Poznanie Samé.
Si všemilosrdný a večne zhovievavý;
Si Duša duší, [a] Jeden [Jediný] s nekonečnými atribútmi.
Si Trojica Pravdy, Poznania a Blaženosti,
Si Zdroj Pravdy, [a] Oceán Lásky;
Si Najstarší, [a] Najvyšší z Výšin;
Si Prabhu a Paramešvar, si „Za“-Boh a „Za“-„Za“-Boh,
Si Parabrahma, Allah, Elahi, Jezdan, Ahuramazda a Boh Milovaný.
Si menovaný Ezad jediný Jeden hodný uctievania.
Given by Meher Baba on 13 September 1953
O Parvardigar the Preserver and Protector of all!
You are without Beginning, and without End, Non-dual, beyond comparison, and none can measure You.
You are without colour, without expression, without form, and without attributes.
You are unlimited and unfathomable, beyond imagination and conception, eternal and imperishable.
You are indivisible; and none can see You, but with Eyes Divine.
You always were, You always are, and You always will be;
You are everywhere, You are everything; and You are also beyond everywhere and beyond everything.
You are in the firmament and in the depths; You are manifest and unmanifest, on all planes and beyond all planes.
You are in the three worlds, and also beyond the three worlds;
You are imperceptible and independent.
You are the Creator, the Lord of lords, the knower of all minds and hearts;
You are omnipotent and omnipresent.
You are Knowledge Infinite, Power Infinite, and Bliss Infinite.
You are the Ocean of Knowledge, all-knowing, infinitely knowing, the Knower of the past, the present, and the future, and You are Knowledge Itself.
You are all-merciful and eternally benevolent;
You are the Soul of souls, the One with infinite attributes.
You are the Trinity of Truth, knowledge, and Bliss,
You are the Source of Truth, the Ocean of Love;
You are the Ancient One, the Highest of the High;
You are Prabhu and Parameshwar, You are the Beyond-God, and the Beyond-Beyond God,
You are Parabrahma, Allah, Elahi, Yezdan, Ahuramazda, and God the Beloved.
You are named Ezad the only One worthy of worship.